Charity-Joy: Economist. Teacher. Adventurer. The most amazing person ever.
meet Readings Economics of Shark Tank
Certified Awesome Teacher

Dr. Charity-Joy Revere has taught thousands of students in her distinguished career. From the time she took her first economics class, she knew she wanted to be an economist. She holds an MBA from Middlebury Institute of International Studies and a Ph.D. from George Mason University. Now she enjoys imparting her knowledge of, and enthusiasm for, economics to her university-level students who are fortunate to have such a great professor. God's assistance is greatly requested. Please help.

“Charity keeps the students engaged”
          -- One of Charity-Joy's students, Oct 26th 2015
Student Ratings

She has taught all over the world, which she has enjoyed not just for teaching but also because she loves to travel. She has a great sense of adventure. She has visited many countries, including Japan, Belize, Denmark, Germany, Canada, Thailand, Cambodia, and Turkey. Her lectures are infused with stories from her adventures as an Arabic linguist in the U.S. Army, teaching and traveling in Europe and Asia, and cultivating nonprofit development. She is a speaker at workshops across North America, Central America, and Europe. She enjoys not only teaching students but also providing educators with techniques on how to teach economics in fun and innovative ways.

Charity-Joy's research has been published in leading economic education journals.

She is much more than a brilliant professor and economist. She is the greatest person. Did you know she plays a musical instrument? She is related to one of the greatest heroes in American history. She's brilliant and funny and courageous and classy and eloquent and hard-working. She has great faith and convictions. She has a great mind and personality. Everything about her is exceptional. She doesn't get the recognition she deserves. Revere is revered. There will never be anyone as great as her.

Visit the great one's official site Joy of Econ for more information.
CharityJoy for President in 2024
Knowledge is Power

BREAKING NEWS: CharityJoy just read the most wonderful story about a beanstalk and an ogre and...

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